If your printer is not on the list, contact its manufacturer and see if drivers are available for it. If you have a wireless printer that you can connect directly to your Wi-Fi network, you'll be. Your Mac may guess what your printer is automatically, but if it doesn't, from the pull-down list beside "Use:" or "Print Using:", choose Select Software., Select Printer Software., or Select a driver to use., and then choose your network printer's model or series. As more and more printers support network connections, printing wirelessly has become easier than ever. Give the printer a descriptive name and location in the appropriate fields.To print to a specific queue, type its name in the "Queue:" field.Once you've finished, "Valid and complete address" will appear below the "Address:" field. As you type, your computer will search for printers with that number. In the "Address:" field, type the hostname or IP number of the printer.If you're not sure, try the default option. Next to "Protocol:", select the protocol your printer uses.In the Protocol drop-down list, click Line Printer Daemon LPD or LPR. In the Address field, enter the IP address of the print server. At the bottom of the list of printers, click +. Click System Preferences > Printers & Scanners. Click the + (plus sign) to add a new printer, and in the new window that opens, click IP. To create a print server port, complete the following: Click the Apple icon.In System Preferences, from the View menu, select Printers & Scanners, Print & Scan, or Print From the Apple menu, select System Preferences.

To set up your Mac computer to print to a networked printer over TCP/IP, change your settings as described below: If you are an IUB campus housing resident and wish to connect your Mac computer to your RTC's networked printer, see Connect your computer or tablet to the printers in the STCs and RTCs using the IU Print BYOD Package.